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Login to myBEV

Do you need an account?

You only need a myBEV account if you want to add or edit your local Village Mall (business) or Organizations entry. Most site users do not need a myBEV account, as these postings are publicly viewable. Anyone can also propose a local event or announcement posting without a myBEV account.

If you need a myBEV account, and don't have one, hit the second link below.

Old accounts

If you had an account on the old version of, your account still exists.  However, you will need to setup your account.  What do you need to do?  You will need to create a new password for your account.  Why?  When migrating to the new system, we had to reset everyone's password.  Hit the second link below to get started!

What do you need to do?

I've already setup my account.  Go to the login!

I either need to setup my account, or need to create a new one!