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Using Scenario-based design techniques for developing world-wide-web interfaces

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Dennis Neale, Human Factors Engineering Center, VT Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering Tuesday, September 26, 1995. 4-5 pm, Smythe 232.


Scenario-based techniques have been receiving increased attention in the design of human-computer interactions. The objective of this talk is to examine the ability of scenarios to serve as the primary design representations in requirements specifications for web page designs. A case study in the design of a world-wide-web site for the Human Factors Engineering Center at Virginia Tech will be presented. Example-based narratives were elicited using a "micro-scenario" generating task that involved prospective end-users brainstorming user-system interactions. Conclusions will be drawn about the effectiveness of the technique for task analysis, and guidelines will be given for using scenarios for web page design. The role scenarios can play in usability evaluation will also be discussed.